China’s open door will not be closed. Xi Jinping promises international doors will only be opened wider.

“China’s open door will not be closed — it will only be opened wider” said Xi Jinping during his long speech at the opening of the 19th Communist Party Congress last week.
He discussed deeply China’s progresses and specified how China will evolve in the next five years. In his speech, Xi made big promises for China’s economic future and pledged further liberalization of China’s market to foreign investors.Chinese President said China will push ahead with market-oriented reforms of its foreign exchange rate as well as its financial system, letting the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources.
“[The government will] clean up rules and practices that hinder a unified market and fair competition, support development of private firms and stimulate vitality of all types of market entities, […] promote strengthening, improvement and expansion of state capital, effectively prevent loss of state assets, deepen reform of state-owned enterprises, development a mixed-ownership economy and cultivate globally competitive world-class firms” Xi said.
In terms of its openness to foreign direct investment, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) ranks China in 59th place out of the 62 countries evaluated.
However, there are reasons to be hopeful and welcomed signals for investors after Xi’s call for more open market conditions.